Bay City Pet Travel | Cat Transport
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Cat Transport

Bay City Pet Travel provides many aspects of pet transport
including cat transport and kitten transport.

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We are a leading provider of cat and kitten transport.

Travel can be very stressful for animals and the team at Bay City Pet Travel work to ensure that your animals are transported as safely and as stress free as possible. We are able to transport kittens and adult cats to all major ports in Australia.


All of our crates are airline approved so you can be assured that your cat is safe and sound in our crates at all times. You are also able to use your own crate if you wish.

How to find the correct sized crate

It is important that any pet travelling is in the correct size travel crate. If the crate is too small, your dog or cat may be very uncomfortable which may result in them being sore and stiff on arrival. For the welfare of the animals, airlines are very strict in ensuring that the dog or cat be able to stand in a natural position and be able to turn around and lay down comfortably. If your pet cannot do this, the airline may simply refuse to transport your animal. It is for this reason that we ensure that your pet is travelling in the correct crate.

To work out the correct size of the crate for your cat, take the following measurements and use the chart to determine minimum crate size:

– Measurement (cm) from nose to base of tail = (A)

– Measurement (cm) from the floor to the top of the dog/cat’s head whilst standing = (B)

– Measurement (cm) the widest point of the dog/cat’s (usually shoulders) = (C)

Still not sure?

If you are unsure of which crate would be the correct crate for your pet, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be able to help you.

We are a leading provider of cat and kitten transport in Australia and look forward to helping you next time you require travel for your pet.

Dog and cat transport has never been this affordable or this easy!